Changes to the Weekly Finances

Over the years, we've had a very small number of people getting confused by the way the weekly finances work.

Each week is divided into a midweek and a weekend, and money comes in and out of the club's bank account at different times of the week.

For instance your bank balance might go up at the weekend after a home match, then down again in midweek when the player wages came out of the account.

This caused a situation where some people thought the weekly finances didn't add up. See this blog post for an explanation of how the confusion arose.

Anyway, to make things simpler we've now moved the player wage payments to the weekend, which means it should be much easier for people to see whether they've made a profit or a loss that week.

Just to clarify, the examples below show the difference between the old and new timings for wage payments:

Old Version

Midweek: You have £1000 in the bank.

Weekend: You have a home fixture and make £2000 from gate receipts. Your bank balance is now £3000.

Midweek: Your player wages are paid so your money goes down by £1000. Your bank balance is now £2000. So your weekly statement shows you made a £1000 profit this week.

New Version (1.3.8 onwards)

Midweek: You have £1000 in the bank.

Weekend: You have a home fixture and make £2000 from gate receipts. But you also pay £1000 in player wages. Your bank balance is now £2000.

Midweek: Your bank balance is still £2000, so your weekly statement shows you made a £1000 profit this week.

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