How the 'Super Stadium' running costs work

One of the biggest mistakes people make is building a big stadium before their club is ready for it. If you don't have the crowds to fill your stadium, the ongoing running costs can soon get you into financial trouble.

The 'Super Stadium' though is different. The running costs of the Super Stadium are based on your crowds - so even if you're only getting low crowds, the running costs shouldn't be a problem.

Imagine a traditional stadium with a capacity of 100,000, but your club is only getting crowds of 50,000. You'd be paying running costs to maintain a large stadium that is only 50% full.

But with the Super Stadium, if you get crowds of 50,000, you'll only pay running costs based on 50,000 fans. So the ongoing costs of your stadium should never get you into any financial difficulties.

This means that even for a non-league club, it's not a problem if you want to build a Super Stadium.

However there is one important thing to bear in mind if you're playing the Pro app. If you move clubs you can't take the stadium with you, so we'd only recommend buying a Super Stadium if you're going to be staying at that club for quite a long time.